Here’s the Nikon D300S digital SLR Photo Gallery containing full-sized pictures taken by the camera. Be sure to check out the Nikon D300S review for more about the camera.
Gallery photos taken by Brad Soo – March 26th, 2010
Clicking on the photo thumbnails will open up a full-sized version of the photo, taken straight out of the camera with no editing or post-processing done. Be warned that the file sizes of full photos are very large and may take time to load. All photos were taken at full resolution, Fine quality, optical image stabilization on and using the camera’s default settings unless otherwise noted.

All focal length values are 35 mm equivalent (after the 1.5X multiplication factor of the Nikon APS-C sensor). All photos in this gallery were taken using a full-production, retail unit Nikon D300S.
Notice: Photos from any photo gallery on the site are only for personal use to assist you in choosing a digital camera. You may save and print them out for personal use only (ie. to see if image quality meets your expectations). You may not post these photos anywhere for any use whatsoever, including but not limited to, any website, newsletter, magazine, print, book or online/offline in any method without prior consent. Hotlinking is not allowed. These photos are property of and copyright DPInterface, its site and webmaster. I’m not trying to be mean or anything - I’m just preserving my copyright and hard work to take these photos. If you really want to use test or camera view photos from, please e-mail me and ask for permission.