DPInterface July 2006 News Archive
July 30th, 2006 Sony Alpha 100 photo gallery
Due to massive demand, I've put up the Sony Alpha 100 photo gallery, based on a full production camera and lens, which consists of shots taken at high ISO (that's what you want to see the most).
July 26th, 2006 Casio also releases a new camera
Casio announced a new camera today but it was supposed to be announced later. Since quite a few sites, including a major one, have posted the news earlier (apparently some change of plan errors), we're posting it too.
 Casio Exilim Z700
- 7 effective megapixels
- 38 - 114 mm (f2.7 - f5.2) 3x zoom lens
- 2.7 inch high-resolution LCD
- 37 Best Shot scene modes; 2 new ones: Auto framing and layout shot
- No manual controls
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS
- Takes SD cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery (460 shots)
- Available in August
July 24th, 2006 A new Pentax camera
Pentax released a new compact camera today, and it supports the new SDHC format which are SD cards with 4 GB of capacity and beyond.
 Pentax Optio S7
- 7 effective megapixels
- 38 - 113 mm (f2.7 - f5.2) 3x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch high-resolution LCD
- High sensitivity mode (uses high ISOs but at a reduced resolution)
- Face Recognition autofocus
- No manual controls
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS in MPEG4 format
- Takes SD/SDHC cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery
- Available in September for $299
July 21st, 2006 These reviews
As expected, things have been quite slow around here lately because it's summer and we've reviewed quite a lot of cameras already... but here's the plan: I'll try to review the remaining stuff from the first half of 2006 over the next month or so, covering new camera announcements at the same time. Then it'll be business as usual from there.
July 20th, 2006 Nikon's new digital SLR
Nikon posted a hint-hint on their global website today, stating the release of their new digital SLR in 20 days (that's August 9). Here's what we've found out so far:
- It's an entry-level camera (D50 or D70s replacement)
- It's gonna have 10 megapixels (Sensor from the D200?)
Two entry-level Samsung cameras
Samsung released two new entry-level cameras today and they are:
 Samsung Digimax S700
- 7 effective megapixels
- 35 - 105 mm (f2.8 - f4.9) 3x zoom lens
- 2.4 inch LCD
- No manual controls
- Video mode
- Takes SD cards
- Uses 2 AA batteries
- Available in August for $249
 Samsung Digimax S1000
- 10 effective megapixels
- 35 - 105 mm (f2.8 - f5.1) 3x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch high-resolution LCD
- No manual controls
- VGA MPEG4 movies at 30 FPS with sound up to 1 hour
- Takes SD cards
- Uses 2 AA batteries
- Available in August for $349
July 19th, 2006 5 new Panasonic cameras
Panasonic released 5 new cameras today and no less! It'll be interesting to see what other manufacturers will do as well; over the next month or so with Photokina 2006 around the corner. Panasonic over here is continuing the megapixel race and is going perhaps a little overboard.
 Panasonic Lumix FZ50
- 10 effective megapixels
- 35 - 420 mm (f2.8 - f3.7) 12x zoom lens
- 2.0 inch flip-out LCD
- Venus Engine III processor
- ISO sensitivity up to ISO 1600 (ISO 3200 in high sensitivity mode)
- New Intelligent ISO Control (IIC) changes auto ISO according to subject movement
- Slightly worse continuous shooting thanks to higher resolution
- Full manual controls with RAW; though TIFF format has been removed
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS; adds a widescreen 16:9 option
- Comes in your choice of silver or black
- Takes SD/SDHC cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery (360 shots)
- Available in September for $649
 Panasonic Lumix LX2
- 10 effective megapixels
- 28 - 112 mm (f2.8 - f4.9) 4x zoom lens
- 2.8 inch wide-screen LCD
- Venus Engine III processor
- ISO sensitivity up to ISO 1600 (ISO 3200 in high sensitivity mode)
- Intelligent ISO Control (IIC)
- Full manual controls with RAW
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS with widescreen option
- Comes in your choice of silver or black
- Takes SD/SDHC cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery (300 shots)
- Available in September for $499
 Panasonic Lumix FX07/FX50
- 7 effective megapixels
- 28 - 100 mm (f2.8 - f5.6) 3.6x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch high-resolution LCD (3 inch LCD for FX50)
- FX50 only: 2-image comparison and dSLR-like preview (Displays info around, not on, when framing), thanks to the bigger LCD
- Venus Engine III processor
- ISO sensitivity up to ISO 1250 (ISO 3200 in high sensitivity mode)
- Intelligent ISO Control (IIC)
- No manual controls
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS with widescreen option
- FX50 only: Movie frame grab during playback
- Comes in your choice of silver, black, blue or red
- Takes SD/SDHC cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery (320 shots/300 shots respectively)
- Available in September for $349 (FX07)/$399 (FX50)
 Panasonic Lumix FX3
- The FX3 waters things down so it's cheaper; starting with resolution:
- 6 effective megapixels
- 35 - 105 mm (f2.8 - f5.0) 3x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch standard LCD
- Venus Engine Plus processor
- ISO sensitivity up to ISO 400 (ISO 1600 in high sensitivity mode)
- No manual controls
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS with widescreen option
- Takes SD/SDHC cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery (320 shots)
- Available in September for $279
July 13th, 2006 More cameras from Fujifilm
Fujifilm released a lower-priced version of the nice F30 and a big zoom camera today, both feature Fujifilm's new face detection feature.
 Fujifilm FinePix S6000 FD
- 6 effective megapixels
- 28 - 300 mm (f2.8 - f4.9) 10.7x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch high-resolution LCD
- ISO sensitivity up to ISO 3200
- Face Detection autofocus (thus the "FD")
- Full manual controls (including RAW)
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS
- Takes xD cards
- Uses AA batteries
- Available in September for $499
 Fujifilm FinePix F20
- 6 effective megapixels
- 36 - 108 mm (f2.8 - f5.0) 3x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch LCD
- ISO sensitivity up to ISO 2000
- Face Detection autofocus
- No manual controls (unlike the F30)
- Unlimited VGA movies at 30 FPS
- Takes xD cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery
- Available in August for $299
July 3rd, 2006 3 Samsung "New Vision" cameras
Samsung released three digital cameras in their new NV (New Vision) series. These cameras feature reworked menus (among other changes) and one has optical image stabilization.
 Samsung NV7
- 7 effective megapixels
- 38 - 270 mm (f2.8 - f3.7) 7x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch LCD
- Optical image stabilization (or as Samsung calls it; OPS Optical Picture Stabilization)
- Full manual controls
- Smart Touch user interface
- Unlimited MPEG4 VGA movies at 30 FPS
- Takes SD cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery
- Available in September for $449
 Samsung NV10
- 10 effective megapixels
- 35 - 105 mm (f2.8 - f5.1) 3x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch LCD
- Full manual controls
- Smart Touch user interface
- Unlimited MPEG4 VGA movies at 30 FPS
- Takes SD cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery
- Available in September for $399
 Samsung NV3
- 7 effective megapixels
- 38 - 114 mm (f3.5- f4.5) 3x zoom lens
- 2.5 inch LCD
- Plays music as well; has stereo speakers and includes headphones
- No manual controls
- Unlimited MPEG4 VGA movies at 30 FPS
- Takes SD cards
- Uses a lithium-ion battery
- Available in September for $349
July 1st, 2006 Olympus Stylus 710 review
A new day, a new month and a new review. Check out my review of the Olympus Stylus 710 and the Stylus 710 gallery.
Third quarter revealed
The second quarter was a good one for DPInterface. We've managed to accomplish our targets such as posting our first ever Olympus and Fujifilm reviews and successfully including photo galleries in all of our reviews published during that time.
DPInterface is proud to be the top place for reviews of newly released cameras; we've reviewed a lot of cameras released early 2006. DPInterface is also the first independent digital camera review website to review the Sony Cyber-shot T30 and the only review website to publish a special edition review of the Canon PowerShot SD700 IS Digital ELPH which features comparisons versus the Canon SD550, S500 and S100 Digital ELPHs. What's more, both of those are two of the top digital cameras of 2006.
This quarter, we're going to cover even more camera releases starting from this month all the way to Photokina 2006 and beyond, and of course review them. The new ratings system will be complimented by a revised review format which will be more in-depth and easier to read.
And of course, your comments are appreciated.