DPInterface June 2005 News Archive
June 25th, 2005 Strangely quiet
Things seem really quiet nowadays - The last new camera announced was about a month ago! I'm expecting new cameras to start rolling out again in late July but in the meantime, here's the full review of the HP Photosmart 635.
SanDisk Ultra II CF card
Update: Well, not exactly a digital camera, but the SanDisk Ultra II Compact Flash card is one memory card which deserves to be reviewed!
June 24th, 2005 New article
Upon request of many readers, I've put up a digital camera shopping guide which may hopefully help you in selecting a perfect digital camera for yourself.
June 13th, 2005 All time high!
Daily traffic reached an all time high yesterday and I've received lots of "thank you for putting up the S2 IS review" e-mails. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all your support :). As I said, I'll add more test photos and content into the Canon PowerShot S2 IS review as I go along.
June 9th, 2005 New Casio
The Casio Exilim S500, a very slim camera, is out.
June 8th, 2005 S2 IS review updated
Many readers have noticed some abnormality in the Canon PowerShot S2 IS full review page formatting - That a large blank space was left at the bottom. I've fixed that and the page should look "normal" now. Thank you to those who wrote to me about that problem.
Upon request of many readers, I've also added in some additional information about focusing, accessories and image stabilization in the Canon PowerShot S2 IS full review.
June 7th, 2005 Canon PowerShot S2 IS review
I've just given the site a new design and..... surprise! I've written and just posted the full review of the Canon PowerShot S2 IS digital camera. No test photos yet but in the meantime, enjoy the review!
Now, this is my first review so do write to me with any comments, complaints, suggestions, etc so I can improve/fulfill your reading needs in the future.